
Friday, June 19, 2020

Just A Little Tip!

For today I would like to share a little tip with all of you. A lot of us have the Simply Scored Scoring Tool and we all love it very much. It makes scoring the projects so much easier especially with the little place marker which can be placed anyway you need them. Well, these markers are very small and can get lost very easily. I'm pretty sure we all have been searching for them at one point. Unfortunately Stampin'Up! has discontinued the replacement markers so they are no longer available. I'm pretty sure a lot of demonstrators and customers have complained about that decision and we all can only hope they will be back one day. 

A team mate of mine was asking about sharing some if we would have extras. But we all just have what came with the scoring tool. So I was thinking about something I could use instead. And don't ask me how this idea popped into my head but it actually worked out. 

How about the end of a flossing tool! 

I just cut the pointy end off and it fits perfectly into the little slots of the scoring tool. This was my prototype and I could have made it a little longer. 

Every once in a while we have to be creative and create a work-around. 

I hope that helps you to be creative when you are in need. 

Did you have to invent something to make something work? 

Have a wonderful sunny weekend! 


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